Saturday, October 08, 2005

her first trick

She will now, occasionally, smile. It is a fleeting beast at best - caught occasionally between the pooping, the eating, the wailing, and the no-sleeping - but it is there.

So we've got that going for us - which is nice.

Many have asked why more photos aren't available. One answer is that I've become a bit particular about content. While the photos thus far are by no means works of art, I have been striving to have a focal point. Too many baby photographs look too much like the shapeless blobs that they [babies] are. The child is small and lost among a sea of background looking like nothing much whatsoever.

The other, slightly more accurate answer, is that they all look alike. Babies sleep, and cry, and feed (defenitely no shots there), and generally look the same. Trust me, we have an enormous amount of photos that look almost identical save for her outfit, lighting, and whether she's crying or not.

So at long last I give you...something that actually looks like a bit of a person.

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