Monday, October 31, 2005

m.r. ducks

Not to be overly cutesy, but this, well this is too g.d funny not to post.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

right up the middle

At her two month checkup Lauren is in the 50th percentile for just about everything - clocking in at 10-1/2 lbs and a staggering height of 1'-10-1/2" (further confirming my theory that women under 5'-7" always include the fraction).

Where you see mediocrity I see a safe zone on either side - edging towards neither midget nor amazon.

So, to the the woman who had the unmitigated gall yesterday to argue with Jennifer over Lauren's f-ing age - maintaining that she [Lauren] looked too big to be just two months and was Jennifer really sure about that one - bite me.

Like I said, right up the middle.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

please to be noticing

The collection of RSS feeds courtesy of How you envy me.

Your first reactions is, of course, super cool. Your second, and far more probable, reaction, is what the hell is Well my friend, is a social bookmarks manager. It allows you to easily add sites you like to your personal collection of links, to categorize those sites with keywords, and to share your collection not only between your own browsers and machines, but also with others.
Clear enough? I suppose it's moderately interesting to see what others have bookmarked - although I doubt most will execute any quality control whatsoever and their pages will, if they have not reached this status already, evolve (or, more accurately, devolve) into a morass of everything and anything under the sun with no eye toward usefulness. Everything on the internet linked...yet again.

But the nifty part is the ability to share links among home, work, or anywhere. I sometimes have four different machines, all with a subset of my total collected links - which I often need across those same machines. With I have access to all those links all the time. And the ability to attach multiple tags to multiple items means that I don't have to remember in exactly what bin (under the traditional hierarchical system) I plunked that article about C# delegates - Was it under programming? Or development? Or was it articles? It doesn't matter. I can drill down through any of them or just query the whole list.

There are some things I'm not wild about, and some others that ought to be implemented. As the system is pre-alpha, and I have faith that the aforementioned items have been noodled through by others, I'll [uncharacteristically] shut my yap.

Right now.

OK, really this time.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


For someone who's GI tract is responsible for processing exactly one food product, this girl has got a whole lotta rumblin' going on.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

her first trick

She will now, occasionally, smile. It is a fleeting beast at best - caught occasionally between the pooping, the eating, the wailing, and the no-sleeping - but it is there.

So we've got that going for us - which is nice.

Many have asked why more photos aren't available. One answer is that I've become a bit particular about content. While the photos thus far are by no means works of art, I have been striving to have a focal point. Too many baby photographs look too much like the shapeless blobs that they [babies] are. The child is small and lost among a sea of background looking like nothing much whatsoever.

The other, slightly more accurate answer, is that they all look alike. Babies sleep, and cry, and feed (defenitely no shots there), and generally look the same. Trust me, we have an enormous amount of photos that look almost identical save for her outfit, lighting, and whether she's crying or not.

So at long last I give you...something that actually looks like a bit of a person.