Wednesday, December 31, 2008

verge: thoughts on 2008; hopes for 2009

In short, I didn't get out climbing nearly as much as I would have liked in 2008.  Things started out  promising enough (see events - at least the first one or two) and then come May, i.e., the full kick-off of the climbing season here in the Mid-Atlantic, I was wholly waylaid by work and the Project To Nowhere (PTN).  The PTN sucked alot out of me - motivation being the first casualty.

So my climbing season went something like this, a trip To TN, a fun day at Seneca, another, and then one after that. Or thereabouts.

Sad, indeed.

But even in a lackluster year, I'm enorousmusly grateful for those with whom I climb and trust:
  • For Bruce: in whom I find a partner who shows the faith in me that I lack in myself

  • For Cat: in whom I find a freshness of prespective - and more than a little jealousy of aptitude

  • For Danny: in whom I find the inspiration for making the impossible, possible

  • For Ben: in whom I find the steadfastness of pursuing a goal

  • For Porter: in whom I find a brother-in arms. Wait, did we even see Porter this year?
Thanks for being on the other end of the rope.

So here's my retrospective of the year (I've only included that which I witnessed - add your own comments below): 
  • A rockin' good trip to TN: bouldering at Pot Point, climbing at TN Wall, caving at Howard's Waterfall, and the holy-crap-OMFG bouldering of Rocktown
  • Watching Bruce rock his way up "Marshall's Madness" while the rest of us (save Danny) flailed (and I thoroughly bloodied myself) 
  • Watching Bruce style up P1 of "Ye Gods" only to turn to me on P2 and remark that he was backing up the pin through the overhang (ha-ha) - and then proceeding to ping-off with  decent-sized fall (which may be the only real fall I've held at Seneca)
  • Sacking up [of my own volition [if only a tiny bit]] to do P3 of "Prune" and then having muscle spasms on P4 
  • Hollerin' at everyone scattered all over the West Face of Seneca on a beautiful summer day
  • Watching Danny style his way up "Back to the Front" 
  • Filming Danny on "Bring on the Nubiles"

  • Making another great day of what should have been a mess at the Chili-Cookoff (and another tiny sackup on "Bee Sting Corner") 
It was a better climbing year for some of you vs. me.  I hope to remedy that in 2009.  I look foward to climbing and seeing more of you all.  I'm also hoping I can put behind some of my issues and enjoy climbing as much as I enjoy all of you.

Climb on!


Anonymous said...

>Thanks for being on the other end of the rope.

Likewise. Always a killer day with capt efficiency at the other end!

>tiny sackup(s)

not so. much more important than you'll give yourself credit for. all those "little" things add up.

very much looking forward to victory chips and beer w/you in '09.

Unknown said...

I was so scared the first time I led Bee Sting I wanted to "get it over with and jump off", but Bruce wouldn't let me. He sounded horrified enough that I decided it was a bad idea and pushed on, scared to hell as I was. And another strong climbing buddy of mine very recently hung on no less than 8 pieces on the very same route he was so sandbagged (mentally and physically), so yeah you don't give yourself enough credit. I know how it goes though. Hard to be satisfied with yesterday's climbing. It's all about what we're gonna do tomorrow - that's what matters.

This year is going to be *extremely* busy for me, but I hope to still see you all out there at least every couple weeks. '08 will be a hard year to forget. Thanks for being a big part of it...

Unknown said...

Whoohoo! I got a shout-out! I feel so loved. Thanks to you too, Connors. Doesn't it make you feel good to know that you were a big part of my climbing development? 2008 went fast, but I'm not worried. You can't escape it. I see climbing in your future.