Tuesday, May 18, 2010

triathlon training log week 11 - 5/10 - 5/15

Monday 5/10 - Rest
No rest for the anxiety-ridden.  What was I thinking?  I can't do a triathlon.

Tuesday 5/11 Swim - Run 9/1, 21 mins
Just a wee (see what I did there?) bit intimidating walking into the pool wearing tri-shorts instead of my regular swimsuit.  I think the padding for the cycling helped in a certain capacity.  Alternatively, it's more likely that no one either noticed or cared.  Swim went well.  Did my usual 250 then 100 then another 250.  Concentrated on exhaling underwater (new pro tip) and swimming at a sustainable pace.  When I finished this time though, I hopped right out of the pool without drying off to "practice" my anticipated T1 routine - socks onto wet feet and a light shirt.  Then off to my run.  Felt great on the run - nice easy pace and hit about two miles.  Good confidence builder.

Wednesday 5/12 - Bike 12 miles
After several back and forth emails with Sharon where I tried to justify skipping a wetsuit for what would most would consider cold conditions, finally said screw it and rented one after work.  The $35 is worth the peace of mind -  and warmth truth be told.  The notion of cold water and the subsequent freezing bike/run was weighing on me.  Another first for me - asking a man to "zip me up."  Got home late and despite threatening skies went for a ride outside.  New route around some backroads and then back onto one of my usual routes.  Finished in the dark but a fun ride.

Thursday 5/13 - Swim
With the rental of a swimsuit, I thought it might be a good idea to go for at least one swim with it on - both to see what it was like swimming and to practice taking it off.  Fairly awkward finding a non-naked stranger and asking him to zip me up.  Felt like holding a sign the entire time reading "I'm in my first triathlon this weekend, have never worn a wetsuit and thought one practice session might be a good idea."  More awkwardness following trying to find a lane as quickly as possible and slipping in - again holding up the mental sign.  Slid into the pool and then popped back up like a cork.  Wow, they weren't kidding about the extra buoyancy.  I push off the wall and start to swim - I feel like i'm jet powered.  Everything is so much easier.  This is what real swimmers must feel like - just gliding through the water.  My plan (for the tri) had been to alternate freestyle with breast stroke but I found that while the wetsuit is helping my freestyle, the added buoyancy is actually hindering my breast stroke.  Have to figure out what to do with that information as even with the wetsuit advantage I don't think I'll be able to do the whole distance freestyle.  Ended up doing 2x250 plus another 100 or so.  Sharon had advised me to practice getting the wetsuit off (which can sometimes be tricky) but it slipped right off.  Feeling much better about the swim.

Friday 5/14 - Rest
Anxiety level rising.

Saturday 5/15 - Run 9/2/1 15 mins
Few last minute errands for Gu, Gatorade, speed laces and a new shirt.  More "new" race day items than I might have liked but I don't think it should be too big a deal.  Nice easy run - though I was hyper-aware of every creak and sore spot, i.e., will this be a problem tomorrow?  Nice dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, packed up, and then to bed around 9:30.  Anxiety level was reasonable and I think I finally fell asleep around 11.

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