Thursday, July 06, 2006

herein is an account of what transpired whilst on holiday on martha's vineyard

It fades in like a dream - hazy yet slowly falling into sharper focus...
A horrible , bewildering, [somewhat] sexually ambiguous, ice cream-headache-inducing vision of pink, flowers, lace, and all thing girly.
I am, in fact, [apparently] a little girl.

What happened you ask? I got
Didn't catch that? Here it is again:
100%, full-on, is-this-really-happening?, full-tilt, oh-my-gawd, holy shit, D-O-M-I-N-A-T-E-D.

Genius. No other way to describe my colleagues.

Please to be noting the details, the craftsmanship:

Even got mentioned in the morning meeting it did, as the #1 IntelliDyne attraction.

Good work I say, good work indeed.

And many thanks.